The sweet & very talented Mystele has tagged me with the "Seven Things" meme. (Oh, and be sure to visit her shop grand opening March 1 - I can't wait to see what gorgeous things will be there!)
Okay, here are the rules...
1. When tagged place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 things about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.
About me:
1. I am very, very, very, very pregnant right now. Like unnaturally huge pregnant. Freakishly enormous. I'll post a picture soon to prove it. Doesn't that sound appealing?
2. I'm an interior designer. Not decorator. Designer. 4-year college degree. (Can you tell it's a pet peeve of mine?!)
3. I have the most wonderful friends and family I could ever ask for - seriously.
4. This is going to sound so trite, but finding and connecting with other craft bloggers has meant so much to me. It continually amazes me that there are women out there (and my age, even!) who are fascinated by the art of homemaking and love to spend time crafting and making. I used to feel very alone - awkward, even - when it came to this area of my life. Now I'm proud of my interests and don't feel so old-fashioned anymore. Well, maybe I'm still old-fashioned but without the negative connotation attached. ;)
5. I love french fries. Passionately. Madly. Deeply. Especially with ranch dressing. Oh! And buffalo sauce. I could drink it.
6. I'm obsessed with polishing my nails right now - my hormone-fueled, super-growing, go-go-Gadget nails. I know I won't have time to do it after the baby comes so I might as well enjoy it now, right?
7. I get my best creative ideas when I'm right on the verge of sleep. It drives me nuts.
Oh, dear. Here's the hard part - how to pick just seven?!?
1. Melly & Me
2. Beebee Mod
3. SortaCrunchy
6. . Mountaineer Mommy
Get goin', girls!!