I have to say that these past couple of months are right up there with some of the most exciting and busy times I've had. One of the most incredible things going on right now is my new relationship with
WV Living Magazine! Nikki Bowman (owner/editor) and I have been working together for several weeks now on spreads for the magazine. AND, ideas for my products in the WV Living Marketplace - both in Snowshoe Resort and Morgantown, WV! Nikki is one of the kindest people you'll meet and she has given me such a boost of confidence in my craft. So, so cool.
The winter issue of WV Living hit the newsstands this week, and it's sold in 25 states! Odds are that you'll be able to find a copy in your neck of the woods, and I highly encourage you to do so. It is so incredibly well done. It's big and hefty, the pages feel good, and the articles are fantastic. (And everyone on my Christmas list is
getting a subscription.) I had so much fun working on a spread for ways to give your mantel a seasonal makeover.
Photo courtesy of WV Living |
My things should be making their way onto the shelves of the Marketplaces right around Thanksgiving. Isn't it the coolest store?!
If you can handle any more exciting news ;) I opened my
new shop this evening! There are several wristlets and quite a few little polka-dotty garlands in there now, but there will be many more treasures added over the next few days/weeks. So keep checking in! :)
(I promise this won't turn into a self-promotion blog - I just wanted to share all this exciting stuff that's going on! Thanks for experiencing it with me :)